Laboratoire de recherche en Hydrodynamique, Énergétique et Environnement Atmosphérique (LHEEA)
Équipe de recherche
My current research interests focus on the numerical modelling of nonlinear gravity waves in oceans and wave tanks. I work on the development of efficient numerical models in this concern and especially with pseudo-spectral methods (High-Order Spectral approach). Using those models, I am interested in the understanding of nonlinear processes during wave generation and propagation (instabilities, freak waves…). The inclusion of additional physical processes in nonlinear wave models is now my primary concern: variable bathymetry, wind forcing, whitecapping dissipation…
In addition, I work in close collaboration with other members of LHEEA Lab. for wave-structure interactions and the set-up of efficient coupling strategies: RANS solvers with SWENS approach or SPH method.
My research activities lead me to take part to different collaborations and research projects. For instance:
ANR projects (Dysturb, CREATIF, SOGOOD, etc.)
H2020 projects (FLOATECH)
French Investment for the future (IRT Jules Verne, LabEx MER, ISite NExT, etc.)
Hydrodynamique, Énergétique et Environnement Atmosphérique
Since 2022: Professor of Ocean Engineering in Ecole Centrale Nantes
2020: Habilitation - Accreditation to supervize research (HDR) - University of Nantes (HDR document)
2010-2022: Associate Professor in Ecole Centrale Nantes
2009-2010: Postdoctoral Researcher - Ecole Centrale Nantes
2008-2009: Postdoctoral Researcher - Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark
2007-2008: Postdoctoral Researcher - Ecole Centrale Nantes
2004-2007: PhD student in Ecole Centrale Nantes (PhD document)
My teaching activities takes place at Ecole Centrale de Nantes and are mainly: