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Laboratoire Laboratoire des sciences du numérique de Nantes (LS2N) Équipe de recherche Signal, Image et Son (
Mots-clés Automatique, signal & systèmes embarqués Mathematical Programming Informatique & bio-informatique Algorithms Matériaux & composites Materials Testing Mathématiques Computational Mathematics Mathematical Modelling Numerical Mathematics Statistical Analysis Data Analysis Procédés de fabrication & fabrication additive Material Characterization
Parcours Parcours Engineering degrees: Supélec and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSIT), Spain, 2001 PhD degree in Signal Processing, Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, 2005 Habilitation to supervise research (habilitation à diriger des recherches), Université de Nantes, 2020 Researcher at IFREMER (French research institute for exploitation of the sea), Brest, France, 2007-2008 Postdoctoral fellow at Côte d’Azur Observatory (Lagrange laboratory), Nice, France, 2008-2011 Assistant Professor with École Centrale de Nantes, LS2N laboratory, Nantes, France, 2011-2024 From sept. 2024: Full Professor with École Centrale de Nantes, LS2N laboratory, Nantes, France Enseignement Enseignement Engineering program, Year 1 (senior undergraduate), Centrale Nantes: Signals and systems (intranet) Instrumentation and sensors (intranet) Engineering program, Years 2 and 3, specialization in data, signal and image processing (DATASIM) Analysis and representation of signals (intranet) Spectral analysis Time-frequency representations Time-scale representations, multiscale analysis, discrete wavelet transforms Sparse representations Inverse problems (with J. Idier) (intranet) Background, ill-posed problems and regularization Deconvolution: classical methods Deconvolution of sparse sequences Image reconstruction, tomographic imaging MSc Control and Robotics, Signal and Image Processing, Year 1 Mathematical Tools for Signals and Systems Linear algebra Laplace and Fourier transforms Statistics and probability distributions Spectral and Time-Frequency Analysis Periodograms and non-parametric spectral analysis High-resolution spectral analysis Spectrograms and Wigner-Ville distributions MSc Control and Robotics, Signal and Image Processing, Year 2 Design of Signal and Image Representations Continuous and Discrete Wavelet Transforms Multiresolution analysis Sparse representations: theory and application cases Compressed Sensing Signal and Image Restoration Methods Background, ill-posed problems and regularization Deconvolution: classical methods Deconvolution of sparse sequences Image reconstruction, tomographic imaging Encadrements Encadrements PhD supervision Ewen Carcreff. Adaptive deconvolution for ultrasonic nondestructive testing. Université du Maine, 2014. Co-advisors: Laurent Simon, Jérôme Idier. <> E. Carcreff is now a scientist and engineer with TPAC, Nantes. Corentin Friedrich. Reconstruction methods for 3D diffraction tomography / microwave imaging. École Centrale de Nantes / Polytechnique Montréal, 2016. Co-advisors Jérôme Idier and Yves Goussard. ⟨tel-02458615⟩ C. Friedrich is now a research engineer with IRT AESE - Saint Exupéry, Toulouse. Penghuan Liu. Statistical and numerical optimization for speckle blind structured illumination microscopy. École Centrale de Nantes, 2018. Co-advisor Jérôme Idier. ⟨tel-01973622⟩. P. Liu is now an assistant professor with China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, China. Ramzi Ben Mhenni. Méthodes de programmation en nombres mixtes pour l’optimisation parcimonieuse en traitement du signal. Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 2020. Co-advisor Jordan Ninin. <> R. Ben Mhenni is now a research engineer with IRT SystemX, Paris. Marie Antoinette AlHajj. Joint inversion of non-destructive measurements for the evaluation of gradients of degree of saturation in the concrete coating of structures. École Centrale de Nantes, 2020. Co-advisors Géraldine Villain and Sérgio Palma Lopes. ⟨tel-03178337⟩ M. Al Hajj is now a R&D engineer with Saint-Gobain Research Provence. Nans Laroche. Fast and advanced ultrasonic imaging methods for non destructive testing of attenuative and diffusive materials. Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 2021. Co-advisors Jérôme Idier and Aroune Duclos. <> N. Laroche is now an engineer and a researcher in ultrasonic imaging with TPAC, Nantes. Gwen Samain. Branch-and-bound algorithm for efficient resolution of sparse optimization problems. Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 2024. Co-advisor Jordan Ninin. Manuscript available soon. Gwen is still with us for a short while! <> Nils Foix-Colonier. Exact optimization, sparsity and advances constrained for multi-solution analysis of Mars hyperspectral data. École Centrale de Nantes. Co-advisor Frédéric Schmidt. Started in October 2023. Huu Tran Van. Optimization and stochastic approaches based on electrical resistivity data sets for monitoring reinforced concrete structures. Université Gustave Eiffel. Co-advisors Géraldine Villain and Sérgio Palma Lopes. Financement Université Gustave Eiffel / région Pays de la Loire. Started in October 2023. Publications Publications