Marine Renewable Energies Research Group (GDR EOL-EMR)
The GDR EOL-EMR is tasked with pursuing the structuring of the French academic community involved in wind energy, marine renewable energy and hydraulics.
The research groups (GDR) are coordination structures created for five years and renewable once. The common objective of these CNRS tools is to foster exchange between CNRS scientists, academic partners, companies and other stakeholders.
The "GDR EOL EMR" is a follow-up to the "GDR EMR" initiated in 2016, which showed real interest in the scientific community for this topic.
Between 2016 and 2020, the GDR EMR already allowed:
Between 2016 and 2020, the GDR EMR already allowed:
- The organisation of several thematic days and workshops,
- The organisation of two one-week thematic schools with just over forty participants at each event,
- The setting up of an active and referenced website,
- The setting up of a mailing list containing more than 450 addresses.
Website (in French):
Many of the technological challenges in MRE are multidisciplinary and are at the heart of the GDR EOL-EMR by creating interfaces between the topics:
- Engineering sciences
- Ecological and environmental sciences
- Humanities and social sciences
- Universe sciences
Offshore energy
Wind energy
Hydraulic energy
The GDR EOL-EMR is coordinated by Le Havre University and Centrale Nantes.
The GDR EOL-EMR is managed by:
- Grégory Pinon, director of the GDR - Laboratoire " Ondes et Milieux Complexes " (LOMC), a joint research unit of Le Havre University and the CNRS
- and Caroline Braud, deputy director of the GDR - Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics and Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA), a joint research unit of Centrale Nantes and the CNRS