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Institutes & facilities
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Architectural and Urban Ambiances Laboratory (AAU)
Center for Research in Transplantation and Translational Immunology (CR2TI)
Jean Leray Mathematical Institute (LMJL)
Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes (LS2N)
Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (GeM)
Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics & Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA)
Research facilities
Additive Manufacturing and Biofabrication
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Double PhD programme with Stevens Institute of Technology
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PhD opportunities
Double PhD programme with Stevens Institute of Technology
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Integrated Master-PhD Track
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Choose a PhD
What is a PhD?
A PhD represents the culmination of higher education with eight years of study recognised through the award of the PhD degree. A PhD student is a young researcher who is a full member of the laboratory in which he or she conducts his or her research project. During their PhD, young researchers undertake:
A 3-year project that calls for scientific quality, a personal investment in research that is gradually being built up and that needs to be well defined, requiring collaboration and extensive interaction with other researchers.
A minimum of 100 hours of courses spread over the three years of the PhD (courses linked to the research project within their doctoral school and professional training courses offered by the doctoral college).
Deliverables will take the form of a manuscript (thesis), papers presented at national and international conferences, articles in international journals, reports, posters, patents, etc.
The PhD degree is awarded after a thesis has been written and an oral defense of the research carried out has been publicly delivered in front of a panel of experts.
The PhD is listed in the RNCP -
Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles
(French National Register of Professional Certifications).
Why choose a PhD?
A PhD is the highest level of qualification recognised the world over. It reflects a very high skill level.
It is the official gateway to careers in public and private research and to taking on significant responsibilities.
To give meaning to your day-to-day work. To do something that you enjoy, that means something and that takes you somewhere.
If you've had a scientific mindset since childhood or if you've discovered an interest in a discipline growing up, but above all if you want to advance scientific knowledge.
If you have a passion for your favourite subject and the desire to delve into it in depth.
To acquire new skills
The 29 skills of a PhD graduate according to the RNCP (French National Register of Professional Certifications)
Demonstrate general and specific scientific expertise in a given field of research and work
Analyse the state and limits of knowledge within a given sector of activity, at local, national and international levels
Identify and solve complex and new problems involving a number of fields, drawing on the most advanced knowledge and know-how.
Identify the potential for conceptual breakthroughs and design areas of innovation for a professional sector.
Make innovative contributions as part of high-level discussions and in international contexts.
Continuously adapt to the needs of research and innovation within a professional sector
Apply research methods and tools in relation to innovation
Apply the principles, tools and procedures for evaluating the costs and funding of an innovation or R&D approach
Guarantee the integrity of the work, as well as its ethics and confidentiality, by implementing appropriate control mechanisms
Manage the time constraints of research, innovation or R&D activities
Apply the commitment, risk management and autonomy required to finalise an R&D, research or innovation project
Address technology transfer issues with a view to exploiting and promoting results or products in economic or social sectors
Comply with intellectual or industrial property rules in a given sector
Abide by the principles of deontology and ethics in relation to the integrity of the work and its potential impact
Use all the publication mechanisms on an international scale to promote new knowledge and know-how
Harness open data communication techniques to enhance the value of approaches and results
Acquire, summarise and analyse cutting-edge scientific and technological data and information on an international scale
Understand, step back and take a critical look at all the cutting-edge information available
Overcome the frontiers of available data and knowledge by cross-fertilising with different fields of knowledge or other professional sectors
Build international scientific and professional cooperation networks
Have the curiosity, adaptability and openness needed to develop and maintain a high level of general and international culture
Report and communicate in several languages on scientific and technological work aimed at different audiences or publications, both orally and in writing
Teach and instruct diverse audiences in advanced concepts, tools and methods
Adapt to a varied audience to communicate and promote cutting-edge concepts and approaches
Lead and coordinate a team in the context of complex or interdisciplinary tasks.
Identify skills that are lacking within a team and participate in recruiting or calling on service providers
Take the necessary steps to foster an entrepreneurial spirit within a team
Identify the key resources for a team and prepare for changes in terms of training and personal development
Assess the work of individuals and the team in relation to projects and objectives
How to start a PhD at Centrale Nantes?
You must hold a Master's degree or equivalent
Have 3 years' funding (CDE, private law contract, grant, CIFRE, employee, other)
Have a PhD supervisor at Centrale Nantes
Have a PhD thesis subject
Published on April 10, 2024
Updated on January 17, 2025
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