Homi Lung - Alterations of host-microbiome interactions and the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory medical conditions after sepsis 2024 - 2028
X-MESH - An eXtreme Mesh deformation method to follow sharp physical interfaces 2023-2029
The European project team at Centrale Nantes provides assistance to all staff throughout the life cycle of a research and innovation project funded by Horizon Europe, Interreg, LIFE and FTJ. Support is on offer at every stage of your European project:
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World map showing collaboration by geographical area:
Would you like to work with our researchers? Fill in the form below.
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Nom / Surname Obligatoire // Mandatory
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Type d’organisation / Type of organisation Obligatoire // Mandatory
Domaine de recherche / Research field Obligatoire // Mandatory
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Les informations recueillies via ce formulaire seront utilisées par l'équipe Europe de Centrale Nantes pour répondre à votre demande. The information collected via this form will be used by the Centrale Nantes European projects team to respond to your request.
Pauline ROUAUD European Project Officer
Yolaine LEBEAU European Project Officer
To ensure that your requests are processed as quickly as possible, please always include both contacts in your emails. For all other requests for funding or support at Centrale Nantes, please send your requests to: valorisation438c4b49-98c5-4c02-9e2a-7c98650b7aa1@ec-nantes.fr.
> See the list of completed European projects here.
Are you a postdoctoral fellow interested in contributing to cross-sectoral, interdisciplinary and/or international research projects? Centrale Nantes, recognised worldwide for its academic and scientific excellence, invites you to apply together for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA) 2025.
Learn more