Open Science: unlocking knowledge for all

Open science aims to make scientific research accessible for everyone, with no barriers or restrictions. It represents a departure from the traditional model of scientific publication, which often limits access to research results in subscription-based professional journals. Open Science promotes transparency, collaboration and the free dissemination of knowledge.

What are the key principles of Open Science?

  • Open access: Open science encourages the publication of research work that is free and accessible to all. Whether you are a researcher, a student or simply passionate about science, you can consult and use this information without any financial constraints.
  • Open data: In addition to publications, open science encourages research data to be made available openly. This means that experiments can be reproduced, results can be verified and researchers can use existing data to make new discoveries.
  • Global collaboration: Collaboration between researchers, institutions and countries is a mainstay of open science. By openly sharing ideas, data and methodologies, research becomes more inclusive, diverse and effective.
  • Open innovation: Open science fosters innovation by allowing more people to contribute to scientific ideas and projects. Solutions to global challenges can emerge more quickly through collective contribution.

What are the benefits of Open Science?

  • Faster breakthroughs: By removing barriers to access, Open Science means that knowledge can be disseminated rapidly, speeding up the process of scientific discovery.
  • Trust and transparency: By sharing data and methodologies, Open Science strengthens trust in research by providing for independent verification of results.
  • Global education: Open science gives students from all over the world access to the latest scientific advances, thereby promoting education and training.
  • Reducing inequalities: By offering equal access to research, open science helps to reduce inequalities by giving everyone the opportunity to participate in the construction and dissemination of knowledge.

Hal Platform

HAL is an open repository and archive platform designed to disseminate scientific output.
The platform provides an interface for researchers to upload, distribute and archive their scientific publications. It covers a wide range of fields.
The main objectives of the HAL platform are to encourage open access to scientific information, to promote the visibility of research work, to facilitate collaboration between researchers, and to contribute to the global dissemination of knowledge. By encouraging the open sharing of publications and data, HAL is part of the open science movement, promoting transparency, accessibility and collaboration within the scientific community.
Open Science Coordinator at Centrale Nantes: Céline Bourasseau (
Published on February 26, 2024 Updated on February 26, 2024