Two Centrale Nantes projects awarded the ‘Laboratoires d'Excellence’ (Labex) NExT label

Centrale Nantes is the lead institution for two 'Laboratoires d’Excellence' (Labex) NExT projects.

Labex NExT are interdisciplinary research projects that play a structural role in the Nantes area. Their objective is to boost excellence and enhance the visibility of research in the two focus areas of the NExT I-Site: engineering for health and the industry of the future.

These Labex initiatives aim to address major societal challenges by leveraging the dynamic and high-level expertise of research laboratories and teams in Nantes.

IMAF (Agile Manufacturing Engineering of the Future)

IMAF aims to put people at the heart of the manufacturing production process by focusing its activities on man-machine collaboration and the decision-making autonomy of systems to accomplish tasks requiring creativity and complex, rapid decision-making.

The Labex will focus on five challenges: manufacturing as a service; agile robotics; digital twins; human factors; and metal, composite and chemical processes.

Coordinated by Stéphane CARO (Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes (LS2N) - Nantes University / Centrale Nantes / IMT Atlantique / CNRS / Inria)
Main players involved: CEISAM, GEPEA, GEM, IMN, LS2N

ORACLE (Offshore renewable energy ReseArch Center of excelLencE)

ORACLE aims to support multidisciplinary research to meet the challenges associated with offshore renewable energies, in particular the need for these energies to be a major contributor in the supply of sustainable, safe and competitive energy on a global scale.

The Labex will focus on four challenges: quantifying and optimising the performance of offshore energy systems; understanding and reducing the uncertainty and risk inherent in producing energy in a marine environment; studying and improving the sustainability of offshore renewable energies; assessing and leveraging the deployment of offshore renewable energies.

Coordinated by Sandrine AUBRUN (Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics & Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA) - Centrale Nantes / CNRS)
Main players involved: CDMO, CENS, GEM, IREENA, LEMNA, LETG, LHEEA, LS2N, LTEN

See Nantes Université's website to learn more about the 5 projets Labex projects (in French)

Published on January 16, 2025 Updated on January 16, 2025