Centrale Nantes is the lead institution for two 'Laboratoires d’Excellence' (Labex) NExT projects.
Labex NExT are interdisciplinary research projects that play a structural role in the Nantes area. Their objective is to boost excellence and enhance the visibility of research in the two focus areas of the NExT I-Site: engineering for health and the industry of the future. These Labex initiatives aim to address major societal challenges by leveraging the dynamic and high-level expertise of research laboratories and teams in Nantes.
IMAF aims to put people at the heart of the manufacturing production process by focusing its activities on man-machine collaboration and the decision-making autonomy of systems to accomplish tasks requiring creativity and complex, rapid decision-making.
The Labex will focus on five challenges: manufacturing as a service; agile robotics; digital twins; human factors; and metal, composite and chemical processes.
Coordinated by Stéphane CARO (Laboratory of Digital Sciences of Nantes (LS2N) - Nantes University / Centrale Nantes / IMT Atlantique / CNRS / Inria) Main players involved: CEISAM, GEPEA, GEM, IMN, LS2N
ORACLE aims to support multidisciplinary research to meet the challenges associated with offshore renewable energies, in particular the need for these energies to be a major contributor in the supply of sustainable, safe and competitive energy on a global scale.
The Labex will focus on four challenges: quantifying and optimising the performance of offshore energy systems; understanding and reducing the uncertainty and risk inherent in producing energy in a marine environment; studying and improving the sustainability of offshore renewable energies; assessing and leveraging the deployment of offshore renewable energies.
Coordinated by Sandrine AUBRUN (Research Laboratory in Hydrodynamics, Energetics & Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA) - Centrale Nantes / CNRS) Main players involved: CDMO, CENS, GEM, IREENA, LEMNA, LETG, LHEEA, LS2N, LTEN ► See Nantes Université's website to learn more about the 5 projets Labex projects (in French)