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Sealhyfe, the world’s first offshore hydrogen production pilot platform, returns to port
Lhyfe announces the return to port of Sealhyfe, the world’s first offshore hydrogen production pilot platform, after achieving all the objectives set at the time of its launch. On trial since September 2022, first at quay and then at sea at SEM-REV offshore hub test site, Sealhyfe has stored millions of data relating to the production of green hydrogen offshore and has enabled us to experiment offshore operating conditions. The lessons learned from this world first, made possible by the excellence of the teams, are already accelerating the large-scale offshore projects needed to decarbonise industry and mobility.
November 24, 2023
(EURONEXT: LHYFE), one of the world’s pioneers in green and renewable hydrogen production, announces that its offshore hydrogen production pilot, known as Sealhyfe, will return to the Quai des Frégates in Saint-Nazaire between this evening and tomorrow morning.
In launching, on September 23, 2022, the world’s first offshore hydrogen production pilot, Lhyfe wanted to prove the technical feasibility of such a project and acquire the operational experience needed to quickly scale up. The company therefore voluntarily chose to confront Sealhyfe under real offshore conditions during several months. It has thus been tested on a floating platform, which has been re-engineered to stabilise the production unit at sea (
the WAVEGEM platform, engineered by GEPS Techno
), and connected to Centrale Nantes’
offshore testing hub operated by the OPEN-C Foundation, which was already linked with a floating wind turbine (
FLOATGEN, engineered and operated by BW Ideol
). For this, Lhyfe and its partners designed, built and assembled all of the technology necessary for producing hydrogen offshore, including the 1 MW electrolyser supplied by Plug. The Sealhyfe platform is capable of producing up to 400 kilograms of hydrogen a day.
As soon as it was launched in September 2022, the platform underwent an initial phase of start-up trials at quay (benchmarking tests, technology and system optimisation, development of key solutions…).
Sealhyfe was then towed to the SEM-REV offshore testing site
, for the second phase focused on a strict comparison with the results initially observed at quay and then on additional offshore-specific tests (reliability of offshore production of hydrogen in an isolated environment, management of the platform’s movement and environmental stresses, validation of green and renewable hydrogen production software and algorithms…). During this testing period at sea, the platform was subjected to a wide variety of weather situations and was able to carry out a series of tests enabling millions of data to be gathered.
At the end of these many months of experimentation, Lhyfe has decided to bring the platform back to dock, and Lhyfe will now analyse the data in greater depth, with the main findings likely to be shared as early as January 2024. These results will benefit all Lhyfe’s current and future sites, onshore and offshore, and will notably be used as part of stage 2 of its development of hydrogen production offshore: the HOPE project. (> more info:
Published on November 28, 2023
Updated on May 6, 2024
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Eolink's innovative 5MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine system takes anchor at the SEM-REV Centrale Nantes'offshore test site
Offshore green hydrogen production: the partnership between Lhyfe and Centrale Nantes on track for a world first
At the top: Sealhyfe offshore hydrogen production pilot (Lhyfe), on WAVEGEM platform (GEPS Techno),
At the bottom: FLOATGEN floating turbine (BW Ideol). On the SEM-REV offshore testing site (Centrale Nantes / OPEN-C)
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