
  • Professor
  • Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering Department


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02 40 37 16 67
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Research institute

Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (GeM)


Mix design and mechanical behaviour of concrete, Durability of cement based Materials, Green Concrete, Size effects in concrete.


 Research Institute in Civil and Mechanical Engineering,

 1 rue de la Noë, BP 92101,

Nantes cedex 3, F-44321 France

Phone:+33 2 40 37 16 67

Fax: +33 2 40 37 25 35

e-mail: Ahmed.loukili@ec-nantes.fr

Current positionEducation

- Bachelor of Civil Engineering  - University Of Bordeaux 1, 1991

- Master of Civil Engineering - Ecole Centrale de Nantes,1992

- Doctorate Degree (PhD) Ecole Centrale de Nantes, November1996

  Thesis:« Delayed deformation of Delayed Deformations of the Ultrahigh-Performance Concrete ».

- Habilitation degree (enabling to direct research), University of Nantes, december 2005

Research interests

Mix design and behaviour of a new cementitious materials at early age, Durability of concrete, Durability mechanics of concretestructures (experimental)

Professional activities

Head of research team on concrete in Nantes(France)

RILEM Senior Member

Regular Member of TC 195-DTD: Recommendation for testmethods for autogenous deformation and thermal dilation of early age concrete

Member of  theAmerican Concrete Institute (ACI)

Reviewer of many journals of civil Engineering .

Member of the scientific council at Ecole Centrale de Nantes(2002 -)

Refereed papers and chapters in books


Major publications

A1.             A. Loukili, A. Khelidj, P. Richard,

HydrationKinetics, change of the relative humidity and autogenous shrinkage of ultrahigh strength concrete,

Cementand Concrete Research. Vol. 29 june (issue 4),  pp. 577-584, 1999.

A2.             A. Loukili, D. Chopin, A. Khelidj, J-Y.Le Touzo,

A new approach to determineautogenous shrinkage of mortar at early age considering temperature history,

Cement and Concrete Research30 (6) pp. 915-922, 2000.


A3.             L. Daniel, A. Loukili,

Behavior of High StrengthFiber-Reinforced Concrete beams under cyclic loading

StructuralJournal, American Concrete Institute, Vol 99, may-june 2002, pp. 248-256.

A4.             Ph. Turcry, A. Loukili, L. Barcelo,  J.M. Casabonne,

Can the maturity concept be used for separating autogenous shrinkage andthermal  deformation of a cement paste atearly age?

Cement and Concrete Research, vol 32, n°9, pp 1443-1450, 2002.

A5.             P. Mounanga, A. Khelidj, A. Loukili, V.Baroghel-Bouny,

Predicting Ca(OH)2 content and chemical shrinkage of hydrating cementpastes using analytical approach,

Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 34, N° 2, pp. 255-265, 2004.

A6.             K. Haidar, G. Pijaudier-Cabot, JF. Dubé, A.Loukili,

Experimental Correlationbetween Internal Length, Fracture Process Zone and Size Effect in Mortar andmodel Materials,

Materials and structures,Volume 38, N° 276, pp. 201 - 210, 2005.

A7.             Ph. Turcry, A. Loukili, K. Haidar, G.Pijaudier-Cabot, A. Belarbi,

 Cracking Tendency of Self-Compacting Concretesubjected to Restrained Shrinkage,

ASCE Journal of Materials inCivil Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 1. February 1, pp -46/54, 2006.

A8.              P. Mounanga, V.Baroghel-Bouny, A. Loukili, A. Khelidj,

AutogenousDeformations of Cement Pastes - Part I : Temperature Effects at Early Age andMicro-Macro Correlations,

Cement andConcrete Research, Volume 36, Issue 1, January 2006, Pages 110-122.

A9.             V. Baroghel-Bouny, P. Mounanga, A. Khelidj, A.Loukili, N. Rafaï,

AutogenousDeformations of Cement Pastes - Part II : W/C effects, Micro-MacroCorrelations, and Threshold values,

Cement andConcrete Research, Volume 36, Issue 1, January 2006, Pages 123-136

A10.          Ph. Turcry, A. Loukili,

Evaluation ofPlastic shrinkage cracking of self consolidating concrete,

Materials Journal,American Concrete Institute, Vol 103, N°4, pp272-280, 2006.


A11.          S. Granger, A. Loukili, G.Pijaudier-Cabot, G. Chanvillard

Experimentalcharacterization of the self healing of cracks in an ultra high performanceconcrete: mechanical tests and acoustic emission analysis,

Cement andConcrete Research, Volume 37, Issue 4, April 2007, Pages 519-527


A12.          E. Rozière a, S. Granger a, Ph. Turcry,  A. Loukili

Influence of pastevolume on shrinkage cracking and fracture properties of Self-CompactingConcrete,

Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume29, Issue 8September 2007Pages 626-636.


Captés in books (3)

A13.         G. Pijaudier-Cabot, K. Haidar, A. Loukili, M.Omar,

Ageing and Durability of ConcreteStructures,

Degradationand Instabilities in Geomaterials, edited by F. Darve and I. Vardoulakis Eds.Springer Wien New york,  pp 255-286, 2004.


A14.          V. Baroghel-Bouny, P. Mounanga, A. Loukili,A. Khelidj,

From Chemical and Microstructural Evolution ofCement Pastes to the Development of Autogenous Deformations

AutogenousDeformation of Concrete, Special Publication of the American ConcreteInstistute SP 220, Editors O-M Jensen, D.P. Bentz and P. Lura, pp 1-23, 2004.

Teaching activities
Teaching activities Concrete technology, Reinforced Concerete, Durability of concrete, Structures Engineering Metallic.
Published on November 14, 2005 Updated on September 14, 2023