[Software] EZOOMBOOK®
Innovative software platform for multi-level reading

This new software platform EZOOMBOOK® allows the creation, development and navigation of interactive books on multiple levels using a participation system ("Wiki" format) and a secure computer software platform.
EZOOMBOOK® offers the reader a text which is accessible on several levels: one can zoom in and out of the book. At any time, the reader can not only access the text at the level of detail he has chosen, but also change levels and format.
For example, he can select the one-hour reading level and, whilst reading, can then decide to go further and have access to the full text, navigating freely between the levels.

Potential Applications

  • Educational books, e-learning
  • Mainstream literature
  • Industrial documentation

Advantages of the technology

  • Innovative tool for discussion and exchange
  • Platform and software compatible with the main existing formats (epub)
  • User friendly
  • Integrated with teaching methods
  • Respects full documents


  • V1.0 software registered with APP
  • EZOOMBOOK® registered trademark

Current state of development

SaaS developed in JAVA and Scala


CRINI - Centre de Recherche sur les Identités Nationales et l‘Interculturalité

Christine EVAIN
Francisco CHINESTA
Guillaume MOREAU
Published on December 12, 2017 Updated on February 27, 2024